tcp - Source Port vs Destination Port - Stack Overflow

2018-6-28 · Suppose there is only one link 、 between source and destination and the link has a transmission rate of 10 Mbps. Assume that the propagation speed is 2 * 108 meters/sec, and the distance between source and destination is 10,000 km. 311015040计算机网络_A_百度文库 2014-6-12 · The stop-and-wait protocol is highly inefficient when there is a large distance between source and destination and the transmission rate is high. (7). As a link state algorithm, RIP plays an important role in LAN. 2/5 311015040 计算机网络(A 闭) 2012-2013-2 (8). source port and destination ports used in iptables

Connect two or more component ports of the …

2020-7-17 · 端口 Ports 源 Source 目标 Destination 注释 Comments 入站邮件 Inbound mail 25/TCP (SMTP) 25/TCP (SMTP) Internet(任何) Internet (any) 邮箱服务器 Mailbox server 前端传输服务中名为 "默认前端" 的默认接收连接器会 侦听端口25上

The source and destination ports in the TCP headers. Collapse context. The TCP header, shown in the TCP chapter of Computer Networking: Principles, Protocols and Practice contains a source port and a destination port. The two segments below correspond to the beginning of a TCP connection.

Jun 06, 2018 · UDP traffic with source and destination ports of 54915 While troubleshooting a network problem on my MacBook Pro laptop, I noticed, while examining a packet capture file in Wireshark , that a system was sending a lot of User Datagram Protocol (UDP) traffic to the subnet broadcast address , i.e. to all systems on the subnet I am having trouble figuring out the source and destination ports to put in port forwarding rule to allow an external FTP client to connect to vsftpd file server on the green network. I am working on virtual machines, the client to server connection and file transfer is fine if put on the same internal network, but if the server is behind a